Getting Involved at Round Prairie is so much more than simply attending a Sunday morning worship service.
We desire to be a place where people can fit whether they are searching for God for the very first time or they are a seasoned Christian. We believe that everyone should be plugged into the church in 4 critical areas:
Growing spiritually doesn’t happen when we know what Jesus says. It happens when we apply what he says. Application happens best within the context of community. To grow spiritually, you have to be connected relationally. We desire for everyone to gather together in community. We believe this happens best in the context of smaller group environments. We believe Life groups and Sunday school gatherings are the best environments for these relationships to blossom. We encourage you to check out either a Life group or Sunday School class that meets you where you are at in life. You will have the opportunity to share life with other people just like you.
We believe when people engage in service, it leads to life change. Whether you serve on a ministry team in our church, in our community, or in the world, God calls us to serve one another. We are all called to give of ourselves in serving God as we serve those around us. We have various opportunities for service throughout the year. We also desire to see our Life Groups and Sunday School groups engage in service that meets the needs of people closest to those members specifically.
We believe that people are called to do so much more than be saved and then coast to Heaven. That’s right! We believe that the Bible has taught us to actually grow in faith in this life as we are transformed into a people of God on mission for God. Our Life Groups and Sunday School groups are essential in creating an atmosphere of dialogue between people of similar backgrounds and problems. This dialogue, with Scriptural teaching, is a great environment for people to grow in their faith. This is a process that is called “discipleship.” We value this because Christ does. As a matter of fact, it was His idea to “make disciples.”
Spiritual growth is so relational that we dare say that it cannot happen effectively in isolation. However, it can also not happen in a vacuum. In other words, we believe that growing in Christ requires other believers to be effective. But, growth in faith also has an impact on the world around us. We refuse to believe that Christ saved us simply to let us enjoy our relationship with Him. We believe He saved us for a purpose of telling others about what God has done. This means we expect each other to be witnesses to their families, friends, and neighbors of what God has done. We have strategically placed events that members can invite their friends to so that they may hear the Gospel from others as well.